REClinic | Dermal Filler Treatments at REclinic

Dermal Filler Treatments at REclinic

How dermal fillers can give your face the symmetry it’s lost over time.

As we age, our skin can lose a lot of its natural plumpness, through a decrease in collagen and elastin. As this is not a measurable process, it can often lead to a lack of facial symmetry.

Symmetry is known as being one of the scientific measurements of beauty, providing us with an aesthetically pleasing balance and making us seem more attractive to the opposite sex. Whether you have a naturally asymmetrical face or it has become asymmetrical over time, at REclinic we can help balance out your features with a range of dermal fillers to give you a natural-looking end result.

Lip Fillers

Probably the most common dermal filler procedure to have done, lip fillers are extremely popular and are a low-risk enhancement. Though commonly used to create volume in the lips, you can also use dermal fillers to even out the shape of the lips to give you a perfect pout. This can help naturally misshapen lips or even give you a larger look to match the rest of your facial features.

Cheek Fillers

More relevant to those who have suffered volume loss in their face over time, cheek fillers can restore the natural, plump balance in your face that gives you that youthful glow. By having an in-depth consultation with Dr Martina, she can assess the areas that may need extra volume to give you a balanced look.

Jawline Fillers

The shape of our face can contribute a lot to how others see us. This shape can alter the appearance of many of our features and an asymmetrical jawline can often cause our whole face to look unbalanced. By assessing the shape of your face, Dr Martina can enhance the shape of your jawline to give you a more prominent definition and a more symmetrical profile.


At REclinic, we focus on each patient individually to get the perfect results for every client. Following a thorough consultation with our very own Dr Martina, we can work with you on a bespoke treatment plan to give you perfect results for you and your skin. To book in for a one-to-one consultation, call us on 01280 848 945.

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