REClinic | Microneedling Treatment in our Bicester clinic

Microneedling Treatment in our Bicester clinic


Skin needling actively promotes collagen formation. Collagen is a structural protein found in the skin. Its fibres form a supporting mesh that is responsible for the skin's youthful characteristics, such as strength, texture and resilience.

As we age, the skin's ability to replace damaged collagen diminishes. The first signs of this are believed to be seen in our late 20s. Collagen molecules are too large to be delivered directly as a topical product so we need to look at ways to stimulate new collagen growth.

Using an electronically powered needling medical device we deliberately create thousands of tiny puncture wounds. There are multiple needles which pierce the skin, rather than roll onto it, meaning it does not scratch on the skin surface for maximum results and minimal downtime. Once the healing process takes place the skin releases growth factors and creates new collagen and elastin.

Book an appointment

Please note that you are paying for the treatment only and no guarantee is made of any outcome. Refunds cannot be given under any circumstances, as the product has been used and the service has been delivered.

Microneedling at a glance

  • Procedure time 45 minutes
  • Anaesthesia Topical anaesthetic
  • Downtime 1-3 days
  • Results Skin quality improvement treatment
  • Longevity 6-12 months
  • Price from £300 per session
  • frequently asked questions

    What is a difference between medical microneedling and using a roller at home?

    The depth of penetration. The home superficial needling helps to enhance the penetration of active ingredients into superficial layer of your skin – stratum corneum.

    To stimulate collagen production we need to make the skin bleed. This will allow platelets to release growth factors which stimulate collagen and elastin production which will help the skin become more rejuvenated and smoother.

    Clinical studies have shown that the minimum depth required to stimulate collagen is 1mm. Recommended depth for heavy scarring from burns or acne is up to 3mm.

    What conditions can we treat with microneedling?

    • Crepey or sun damaged skin on the face, hands and decolletage
    • Scarring – skin needling breaks up scar tissue, particularly light scaring such as acne
    • Ageing skin needs refreshing and rejuvenating – face, hands, neck and decolletage
    • Stretch marks

    Is the microneedling treatment painful?

    Admittedly skin needling is not a treatment you would choose for relaxation, but comfort levels are at an optimum to make the experience tolerable with use of a strong anaesthetic numbing cream.

    Is there any downtime?

    We cleanse, soothe and protect your skin with our serums and creams. You may look like you had a tough session at the gym or been sunburned. Your skin may also feel warm, tight and itchy, which normally resolves in 12-48 hours. Skin will become dry over the following few days and will begin to flake off.

    What is the aftercare?

    You will need to treat your skin with scrupulous care as it heals. This includes daily use of a good sun-block, you must avoid direct sunlight for two weeks following treatment. You should also avoid exfoliation products for at least one week.

    How many treatments do you need?

    The best results are usually seen with a course of three treatments, which should ideally be six weeks apart. The reason for the intervals is to allow the skin's recovery. It is also important to remember that skin remodeling does not occur over night and the process takes about 12 months.